Contact Information
Linkman : Fay Zhang
Department : Marketing
Phone :
Tel : 15817445121
Fax :
Address :Building 16, C3 Area,Luoshan Industrial Park,Shanxia Community,Pinghu Street,Longgang District,Shenz
Address2 :
Zip :518111
Country/Region : China
Province/State : Guangdong
City : Shenzhen
Company Contact Information
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Company Introduction : Shenzhen City Saizhuo Plastic Industry Co.,was established in 2005, located at Shenzhen City, China. During past 14 year, our business has been expanded to not only Asian countries, but also North America and all world. As one of the world’s leading manufacturers of food packaging, our cutting-edge design and mature manufacture allow us to provide our customers with the best solutions for almost every application. “Eco-Friendly, Professional, Quality” are the top three elements that we highly value with while producing our products. In addition to design and develop new products non-stopingly, we are also actively trying and exploring new materials and any new possible combinations in order to offer premium quality products to our customers in the future.