Aircraft production process is as follows: through the duct bottle filling machine sent to triple. Washer bottle mounted on the back wheel holder, bottle clamp onto the bottle along a rail flip 180 °, so that the bottle down into the washer.In the specific area of rinser, a special nozzle washed bottles of water, rinse the bottle wall. Bottle by washing, drain clip holding the bottle along the rail and then flipped 180°, so that the bottle upwards. Wash bottle after bottle by dialing star wheel by the rinser exported and sent to the filling machine.Into the bottle filling machine bottle kept by the bottleneck pallet stuck by the lift mechanism under the action of the cam fell down and realize increased. Filling by gravity filling method, bottle filling valve to open up the top to complete the filling process. After filling the bottle down to leave the filling valve. Bottle bottleneck transition through the card into the capping machine trackwheel.Capping machine for rotary knife stuck on the bottleneck parts, keeping the bottle upright bottle to prevent rotation. Capping Machine Capping head to maintain the revolution and rotation of the cam action to achieve catch cover, sleeve cover, cap, cap off the action, complete the capping process.Finished bottle through the bottle from the capping machine delivered to dial out of the bottle on the conveyor, the conveyor send out the triple bottle machine. Machine equipment uses a closed, sealed windows height above the highest point of the device, into, out of the bottle left at the appropriate channel, closed the window at the bottom left exhaust slot.