Founded in 2008,Foshan HSC Machinery is professional spare parts manufacture supplier in #beverage industry,our engineers are with more than 30 years of industry experience. Our advantage is high quality,fast delivery, Competitive price,one-stop service (catalog more than 30,000 #parts). The products we offered including replacements products which manufactured by ourselves and original products,inluding #Krones, #Sidel, #KHS, #Sipa, #Tetra Pak, #Tech-Long brand etc. #Glassfiller, #Blowmoulding, #Bottle #Wash,#Labellers,#Wrapping,#Conveyors,#EBI
Our workshop often produces some common High-speed beverage industry spare parts, such as Krones, KHS, Sidel and other brands. If you have any spare parts requirements for these brands, please feel free to contact us for a quote.