The Pink Stitch Doll is a plush toy based on Stitch. Stitch is a fictional character launched by Disney, with a cute appearance, a blue body, and large ears. The pink Stitch doll, on the other hand, transforms the image of Stitch into a pink plush toy, giving people a more cute and warm feeling. Here are some common features about pink Stitch dolls: 1. Material: It is usually made of soft plush material, which has a comfortable touch and is suitable for holding or placing as a decoration. 2. Size: There are multiple sizes to choose from, ranging from small keychain sizes to large pillow sizes, which can be selected according to personal preferences and needs. 3. Details: Doll production usually focuses on details and tries to replicate the characteristics of Stitch, such as big eyes and cute expressions. 4. Usage: Pink Stitch dolls can be used as birthday gifts, collectibles, pillows, or companion toys, suitable for people of all ages.