Weight Loss Sports Equipment Lazy People Fat Slimming Machine Skinny Legs Thin Waist Thin Belly Calf Fast Fitness Home Fat Burning
- Combination package: remote control 8-belly set + digital display arm patch - 15 minutes a day, one quick and one thin
- Reinforced combination package: imported 8-belly set + rechargeable arm patch - 15 minutes faster per day
- Remote control host: 8 belly + three + ten thousand times fat burning - no need to ship if you are thin 15 minutes a day
- Imported host: Reinforced 8 belly + one week effective + thousand times fat burning - 15 minutes faster per day
- Digital display host: upgraded to 8 belly + one month of effective + 100 times fat burning - 15 minutes faster every day
- Rechargeable host: 6 patches for lower abdominal muscles for massage - no need to ship if you are thin 15 minutes a day
- Battery host: 6 patches for lower abdominal muscles for massage - no need to ship if you are thin 15 minutes a day
- Rechargeable host: 1 arm can be used all over the body - 15 minutes a day, almost thin and nothing needs to be shipped
FOB Price :
Min.Order : PCS
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