Wheeled shelf chrome wire mesh shelf stainless steel color shelf anti static workshop shelf warehouse material shelf
Specification model:
- Select height layers first and then select length and width mm bold 1000mm total height * 3 layers without wheels
- Thickened 907 long * 355 wide mm bold 1000mm total height * 3 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1060 long * 355 wide mm bold 1000mm total height * 3 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 355 wide mm bold 1000mm total height * 3 layers without wheels
- Thickened 757 long * 457 wide mm bold 1000mm total height * 3 layers without wheels
- Thickened 907 long * 457 wide mm bold 1000mm total height * 3 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 457 wide mm bold 1000mm total height * 3 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1822 long * 457 wide mm bold 1000mm total height * 3 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1518 long * 457 wide mm bold 1000mm total height * 3 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1060 long * 533 wide mm bold 1000mm total height * 3 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 609 wide mm bold 1000mm total height * 3 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1518 long * 533 wide mm bold 1000mm total height * 3 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 457 wide mm bold 1200mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1518 long * 457 wide mm bold 1200mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 533 wide mm bold 1200mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 609 wide mm bold 1200mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1822 long * 609 wide mm bold 1200mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1518 long * 533 wide mm bold 1200mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 907 long * 355 wide mm bold 1500mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1060 long * 355 wide mm bold 1500mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 355 wide mm bold 1500mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1518 long * 355 wide mm bold 1500mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 757 long * 457 wide mm bold 1500mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1060 long * 457 wide mm bold 1500mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 457 wide mm bold 1500mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1370 long * 457 wide mm bold 1500mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1822 long * 457 wide mm bold 1500mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1518 long * 457 wide mm bold 1500mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1060 long * 533 wide mm bold 1500mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 533 wide mm bold 1500mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 609 wide mm bold 1500mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1370 long * 609 wide mm bold 1500mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1518 long * 609 wide mm bold 1500mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1822 long * 609 wide mm bold 1500mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1822 long * 355 wide mm bold 1500mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 907 long * 533 wide mm bold 1500mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1370 long * 533 wide mm bold 1500mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1518 long * 533 wide mm bold 1500mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1822 long * 533 wide mm bold 1500mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1060 long * 355 wide mm bold 1800mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 355 wide mm bold 1800mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 907 long * 457 wide mm bold 1800mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1060 long * 457 wide mm bold 1800mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 457 wide mm bold 1800mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1370 long * 457 wide mm bold 1800mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1822 long * 457 wide mm bold 1800mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1518 long * 457 wide mm bold 1800mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1060 long * 533 wide mm bold 1800mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 533 wide mm bold 1800mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 907 long * 609 wide mm bold 1800mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1060 long * 609 wide mm bold 1800mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 609 wide mm bold 1800mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickening 1518 length * 609 width mm bold 1800mm Total height * 4 layer without wheel
- Thickened 1822 long * 609 wide mm bold 1800mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1822 long * 355 wide mm bold 1800mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1518 long * 533 wide mm bold 1800mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1822 long * 533 wide mm bold 1800mm total height * 4 layers without wheels
- Thickened 907 long * 355 wide mm bold 2000mm total height * 5 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1060 long * 355 wide mm bold 2000mm total height * 5 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 355 wide mm bold 2000mm total height * 5 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1060 long * 457 wide mm bold 2000mm total height * 5 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 457 wide mm bold 2000mm total height * 5 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1822 long * 457 wide mm bold 2000mm total height * 5 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1518 long * 457 wide mm bold 2000mm total height * 5 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 533 wide mm bold 2000mm total height * 5 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1060 long * 609 wide mm bold 2000mm total height * 5 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 609 wide mm bold 2000mm total height * 5 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1518 long * 609 wide mm bold 2000mm total height * 5 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1822 long * 533 wide mm bold 2000mm total height * 5 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1518 long * 355 wide mm bold 2200mm total height * 6 layers without wheels
- Thickened 907 long * 457 wide mm bold 2200mm total height * 6 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1060 long * 457 wide mm bold 2200mm total height * 6 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 457 wide mm bold 2200mm total height * 6 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1822 long * 457 wide mm bold 2200mm total height * 6 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1518 long * 457 wide mm bold 2200mm total height * 6 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1060 long * 533 wide mm bold 2200mm total height * 6 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 533 wide mm bold 2200mm total height * 6 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 609 wide mm bold 2200mm total height * 6 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1518 long * 609 wide mm bold 2200mm total height * 6 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1822 long * 609 wide mm bold 2200mm total height * 6 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1822 long * 355 wide mm bold 2200mm total height * 6 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1518 long * 533 wide mm bold 2200mm total height * 6 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1822 long * 533 wide mm bold 2200mm total height * 6 layers without wheels
- Thickened 1215 long * 355 wide mm bold 1100mm total height * 3-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 355 wide mm bold 1100mm total height * 3-layer pulley
- Thickened 757 long * 457 wide mm bold 1100mm total height * 3-layer pulley
- Thickened 1060 long * 457 wide mm bold 1100mm total height * 3-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 457 wide mm bold 1100mm total height * 3-layer pulley
- Thickened 1370 long * 457 wide mm bold 1100mm total height * 3-layer pulley
- Thickened 1822 long * 457 wide mm bold 1100mm total height * 3-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 457 wide mm bold 1100mm total height * 3-layer pulley
- Thickened 1060 long * 533 wide mm bold 1100mm total height * 3-layer pulley
- Thickened 907 long * 609 wide mm bold 1100mm total height * 3-layer pulley
- Thickened 1060 long * 609 wide mm bold 1100mm total height * 3-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 609 wide mm bold 1100mm total height * 3-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 609 wide mm bold 1100mm total height * 3-layer pulley
- Thickened 1822 long * 609 wide mm bold 1100mm total height * 3-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 533 wide mm bold 1100mm total height * 3-layer pulley
- Thickened 1822 long * 533 wide mm bold 1100mm total height * 3-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 355 wide mm bold 1300mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 355 wide mm bold 1300mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 907 long * 457 wide mm bold 1300mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1060 long * 457 wide mm bold 1300mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 457 wide mm bold 1300mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 457 wide mm bold 1300mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1060 long * 533 wide mm bold 1300mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 533 wide mm bold 1300mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1060 long * 609 wide mm bold 1300mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 609 wide mm bold 1300mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1822 long * 609 wide mm bold 1300mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1822 long * 355 wide mm bold 1300mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 907 long * 533 wide mm bold 1300mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1370 long * 533 wide mm bold 1300mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 533 wide mm bold 1300mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1822 long * 533 wide mm bold 1300mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1060 long * 355 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 355 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 355 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 907 long * 457 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1060 long * 457 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 457 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1370 long * 457 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1822 long * 457 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 457 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1060 long * 533 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 533 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 907 long * 609 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1060 long * 609 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 609 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1370 long * 609 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 609 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1822 long * 609 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1822 long * 355 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 907 long * 533 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1370 long * 533 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 533 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1822 long * 533 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 757 long * 609 wide mm bold 1600mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 757 long * 355 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 907 long * 355 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1060 long * 355 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 355 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 355 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 757 long * 457 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 907 long * 457 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1060 long * 457 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 457 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1822 long * 457 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 457 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1060 long * 533 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 533 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 907 long * 609 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1060 long * 609 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 609 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1370 long * 609 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 609 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1822 long * 609 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1822 long * 355 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 907 long * 533 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1370 long * 533 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 533 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 1822 long * 533 wide mm bold 1900mm total height * 4-layer pulley
- Thickened 907 long * 355 wide mm bold 2100mm Total height * 5-layer pulley
- Thickened 1060 long * 355 wide mm bold 2100mm Total height * 5-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 355 wide mm bold 2100mm Total height * 5-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 355 wide mm bold 2100mm Total height * 5-layer pulley
- Thickened 907 long * 457 wide mm bold 2100mm Total height * 5-layer pulley
- Thickened 1060 long * 457 wide mm bold 2100mm Total height * 5-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 457 wide mm bold 2100mm Total height * 5-layer pulley
- Thickened 1822 long * 457 wide mm bold 2100mm Total height * 5-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 457 wide mm bold 2100mm Total height * 5-layer pulley
- Thickened 1060 long * 533 wide mm bold 2100mm Total height * 5-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 533 wide mm bold 2100mm Total height * 5-layer pulley
- Thickened 907 long * 609 wide mm bold 2100mm Total height * 5-layer pulley
- Thickened 1060 long * 609 wide mm bold 2100mm Total height * 5-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 609 wide mm bold 2100mm Total height * 5-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 609 wide mm bold 2100mm Total height * 5-layer pulley
- Thickened 1822 long * 609 wide mm bold 2100mm Total height * 5-layer pulley
- Thickened 1822 long * 355 wide mm bold 2100mm Total height * 5-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 533 wide mm bold 2100mm Total height * 5-layer pulley
- Thickened 1822 long * 533 wide mm bold 2100mm Total height * 5-layer pulley
- Thickened 1060 long * 355 wide mm bold 223mm total height * 6-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 355 wide mm bold 223mm total height * 6-layer pulley
- Thickened 907 long * 457 wide mm bold 223mm total height * 6-layer pulley
- Thickened 1060 long * 457 wide mm bold 223mm total height * 6-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 457 wide mm bold 223mm total height * 6-layer pulley
- Thickened 1370 long * 457 wide mm bold 223mm total height * 6-layer pulley
- Thickened 1822 long * 457 wide mm bold 223mm total height * 6-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 457 wide mm bold 223mm total height * 6-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 533 wide mm bold 223mm total height * 6-layer pulley
- Thickened 1060 long * 609 wide mm bold 223mm total height * 6-layer pulley
- Thickened 1215 long * 609 wide mm bold 223mm total height * 6-layer pulley
- Thickened 1370 long * 609 wide mm bold 223mm total height * 6-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 609 wide mm bold 223mm total height * 6-layer pulley
- Thickened 1822 long * 609 wide mm bold 223mm total height * 6-layer pulley
- Thickened 1518 long * 533 wide mm bold 223mm total height * 6-layer pulley
- Thickened 1822 long * 533 wide mm bold 223mm total height * 6-layer pulley
FOB Price :
Min.Order : PCS
Total Cost :
Verified Supplier