QTY: | Price |
Supply Ability : 90000kg/ Year
Total Cost :
Packing Information
Pcs/Carton: 50
Packing Size/Carton:60*40*90
Packing Vol/Carton: N/A
N.W./Carton: 50.0 kg
G.W./Carton: 50.5 kg
QTY in 40HQ: 35000 piece
QTY in 40GP: 20000 piece
QTY in 20GP: 10000 piece
【拼音】Jīnɡ Jiè
【来源】本品为唇形科植物荆芥Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq. 的干燥地上部分。夏、秋二季花开到顶、穗绿时采割,除去杂质,晒干。
【鉴别】(1)本品粉末黄棕色。宿萼表皮细胞垂周壁深波状弯曲。腺鳞头部8 细胞,直径96~112μm;柄单细胞,棕黄色。小腺毛头部1~2细胞,柄单细胞。非腺毛1 ~ 6细胞,大多具壁疣。外果皮细胞表面观多角形,壁黏液化,胞腔含棕色物。内果皮石细胞淡棕色,垂周壁深波状弯曲,密具纹孔。纤维直径14~43μm,壁平直或微波状。
(2)取本品粗粉0.8g,加石油醚(60 ~90℃)20ml ,密塞,时时振摇,放置过夜,滤过,滤液挥散至1ml ,作为供试品溶液。另取荆芥对照药材0.8g,同法制成对照药材溶液。照薄层色谱法(附录Ⅵ B)试验,吸取上述两种溶液各10μl ,分别点于同一硅胶H薄层板上,以正己烷-醋酸乙酯(17:3)为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,喷以 5%香草醛的 5%硫酸乙醇溶液,在 105℃加热至斑点显色清晰。供试品色谱中,在与对照药材色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的斑点。
荆芥炭:取荆芥段,照炒炭法(附录Ⅱ D)炒至表面黑褐色。
芥穗炭:取净荆芥穗,照炒炭法(附录Ⅱ D)炒至表面焦黑色。
"China Pharmacopoeia": Schizonepeta
[name] Schizonepeta herbs
[J] n and Pinyin Ji
[alias] Xiang Jing Ji, Ji line and four bar, fake Su Hao
[source] this product is Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq. of Labiatae Schizonepeta dry ground. Summer and autumn two season flowers, green harvesting to spike, remove impurities, dried.
[properties] stem of this product is a square column, the upper branch, length of 50 ~ 80cm, diameter of 0.2 ~ 0.4 cm; surface yellowish green or purplish red, pubescent; light body, crisp, the section is white. Leaves opposite, many have fallen off, leaves 3 - 5 - lobed, lobes slender. Spike verticillaster inflorescence, length 2 ~ 9cm, a diameter of about 0.7cm. Head off, calyx campanulate, apex 5 teeth, pale brown or yellowish green, pubescent; nutlets brownish black. Gas aroma, taste slightly astringent and pungent cool.
[identification] (1) this product powder yellow brown. Persistent calyx epidermal cell anticlinal walls sinuate. Gland scale head 8 cell, diameter 96 ~ 112 m; stem single cell, brown yellow. Small head 1 ~ 2 cells handle single cells. 1 ~ 6 non glandular cells, mostly with wall wart. Exocarp cell surface view of polygonal wall, clay liquefaction, cell containing brown. Endocarp stone cell light brown, sinuate anticlinal walls, with dense pits. Fiber diameter 14 ~ 43 m, wall straight or microwave.
(2) from the coarse powder 0.8g, petroleum ether (60 to 90 DEG C) 20ml, well stoppered and shaken from time to time, place overnight, filtration, the filtrate evaporate to 1ml. As for the test solution. Another Schizonepeta contrast medicinal material 0.8g, with the method of contrast medicinal material solution. According to TLC (Appendix VI b) test, absorb the two kinds of solution and the 10 mu L, respectively on the same silica gel TLC plate, with hexane - ethyl acetate (17:3) as developing agent, spread out to dry, spray with 5% vanillin of 5% sulfuric acid and ethanol solution, at 105 C heating until the spots significantly clear color. In the chromatogram of the test product, the spots of the same color are marked on the corresponding position of the chromatography of the control medicinal materials.
[processing]: remove impurities, water spray Schizonepeta, wash, moistening, cut, dried.
The removal of spikes of Schizonepeta spike.
Catnip: Schizonepeta, light fried carbon method (Appendix II D) and stir fry until the surface is dark brown.
Jiesuitan: take the net as the charred Schizonepeta spike method (Appendix II D) fry coke black surface.
[taste] Essien, tepid.
[return] to the lung, liver meridian.
[action] solution table wind, touzhen. For a cold, headache, measles, rubella, sore at the beginning. The charred treatment of hematochezia, uterine bleeding, postpartum xieyun.
[usage and dosage] 4.5 ~ 9g.
Store in a cool, dry place.
[note] (1) have Schizonepeta diaphoresis, and wind effect. The main treatment of colds, fever, chills, no sweat, headaches, body pain, and often need to use the wind. But also with symplectic cold medicine or Qingrejiedu medicine in the treatment of wind heat type common cold, fever, aversion to cold, red eyes, sore throat and other symptoms, such as mint, chrysanthemum, mulberry leaf, honeysuckle and other. A role can help Xinsan Schizonepeta measles through the hair, often with mint, cicada shell, etc. with the application of Fructus arctii. Schizonepeta and commonly used at the beginning of the sore from disease, Saposhnikovia divaricata are mixed, honeysuckle, forsythia, Radix Paeoniae Rubra equivalent, is back cold and heat, and subduing inflammation. Carbonized catnip application, into the blood and hemostasis can be used for blood in the stool, bleeding and other symptoms, in clinical practice often with other hemostatics with.
(2) a student with a hairy, Qufeng solution table is used for hemostasis effect, charring. With wind, notopterygium cure cold symptom; with honeysuckle, forsythia, mint, treat wind heat symptom; with gypsum, treat wind heat headache; Fructus Arctii, balloon flower, liquorice, cure sore throat; with Flos Sophorae Carbonisatus, treating hematochezia; with Rhizoma imperatae, cure nosebleed. Herb and perilla can diaphoresis, but perilla powder cold force strong, bias into the air and Qi wide; and Schizonepeta Qufeng wins, partial into the blood, baked to charcoal and can stop the bleeding. Therefore, in regulating the common perilla, and in blood agent use schizonepeta.
[excerpts] "Chinese Pharmacopoeia"